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Zoohouse Rock

This is the transcript for the episode ‘Zoohouse Rock


Laney: "What's that?"

Kin: "It's my mu-sage chair"

Kin: "Kon, Engage"

Kon: "Music AND Mu-sage chairs All wrapped in one"

Kon: Now let's get this knots out of this Deep Tissue!

Kin: "Ahh-" **WHAM!** **thud**

Kin: "Bear! We've trained for this, play dead!

Kon: **gasp** **thud**

Corey: "Ha ha ha, it's just a costume Guys"

Laney: "Obviously, a bear wouldn't y'know, play a Guitar, right Kin?

Kin: "Sure, we don't notice like crazy."

Laney: "What's with the costume, core?"

Corey: "Remember yesterday we were picking outfits for the band?"

Kin: "What if we wore hats and matched our Socks?"

Corey: "I was thinking, what if we were saying no, I said yes?"

Laney: "Yes to Bear costumes?"

Behold, me!

I made cupcakes!

Thanks for helping us out, Trina!

Sorry you're missing your party.

Time for a little jailbreak.
